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Messages - steeeeve

Pages: [1] 2
Hookups and Fishing Reports (Viewable by Public) / Re: Monterey 2/8 or 2/9?
« on: February 06, 2025, 10:15:36 PM »
I'm on the fence, 6' at 8 seconds may be a bit rough and I'm still a novice.

What are you guys thinking?

General Talk / Re: Red buoy Monterey?
« on: February 02, 2025, 09:39:43 AM »
Here is the can relative to the MPA NowhereMan was warning about in the other thread. I'll see if I can figure out getting these programmed into my FF before next weekend :)

Sounds like a plan! Let me know what day you end up deciding and we can meet up

I'd like to go if the weather holds up (I'm pretty new to the sport so still on the cautious side)!

Are you familiar with the area? Furthest south I've been is Elkhorn, but I've seen a lot of people launch further south from the city of Monterey

Are you targeting anything in particular? I'm mostly down for anything - dabs, forage fish, or going for something bigger

Hookups and Fishing Reports (Viewable by Public) / Re: Monterey 2/1?
« on: January 30, 2025, 08:30:06 PM »
Be careful out there! I'm seeing up to 13 MPH offshore winds predicted by 1PM Saturday on windy.com

« on: January 25, 2025, 08:23:48 AM »

Can you add me in? Trying to get some more time and experience on the water this year.

Any recommendations for a bump board? I heard the sharpie markings on the side of my kayak aren't admissible  :smt044

General Fishing Tips / Re: Bodega bay perch
« on: January 23, 2025, 08:27:25 PM »

Personally I use size 2 baitholders or (Japanese) size 10/12 sabikis. You can get a 6-pack of snelled size 2 hooks from Eagle Claw for a couple bucks. I think #6 or size 1 could work, I'd size it based on the bait. size 1 for whole sand crabs or chunks of mussel, size 6 with pile worms or bits of shrimp.

It'll depend what you're looking for though - if you want keepers / AOTY points I'd say go with size 2 or 1, if you want live bait or just some action, go for size 6.

CA Regulations / Re: 2025 Rockfish Regs are Up
« on: January 21, 2025, 10:07:35 PM »
JP, that's not how I'm reading it. For the purposes of the regs, "Nearshore" is a category of rockfish species. Note the column on the right which includes lingcod still has20 fathom and inshore take allowed  May-Sep and Nov.

General Fishing Tips / Re: Bodega bay perch
« on: January 19, 2025, 09:45:28 PM »
The only surfperch with a size reg is redtail at >10.5". They are accurately named so they're easy to ID.

I've never targeted perch from a kayak, but I've caught them from shore. I usually toss a Carolina rig with a 2oz sinker and a sand crab (or a couple if they're on the small side). They also like mussel. I've found from shore it's important to read the beach and find structure, they'll hang out at cuts between sandbars and let the wave action / rip tide sweep food to them. There may be one spot where you get bites and 50 feet down the same beach it's totally quiet. If you do get bites, there are probably more in that area.

Keep in mind perch have very small mouths, a size 2 hook is plenty.

Hobie Kayaks / Re: 2007 Hobie Outback Hank Parker ed.
« on: January 06, 2025, 07:55:10 PM »
I don't know much about that specific kayak, but I just set up a ceiling mount system for hanging my 13' Hobie Revo this weekend. I bought this: https://www.homedepot.com/pep/Extreme-Max-120-lbs-Capacity-Kayak-Hoist-for-Garage-3004-0204/306535614?cm_mmc=ecc-_-THD_ORDER_CONFIRMATION_BOSS_STH-_-V1_M1_CA-_-Product_URL&ecc_ord=WM91010088&em_id=17d50d2c0a491508cb4b8049e735e422fee9cf608c8e1e75c807257e0611619f

Your vaulted ceilings may actually work in your favor, I needed to modify system and replace the "hooks" the webbing hangs from with something shorter (bracket with pins) to get the kayak above the roof of my car in my flat ceiling garage. One tip is that the mounts have two screws each, so you'll need to mount the kayak parallel with the 2x4's in your ceiling or attach an additional board like you can see in the photo. Even including the wood the whole thing was less than 30 bucks and it's pretty simple to install and easy to use.

General Fishing Tips / Re: My 2024 Fish count
« on: January 03, 2025, 11:27:27 AM »

Great summary! Good seeing you out on the water on 10/5 in Benicia.  Hope to see you out more in 2025!


Went out yesterday, launched at 7AM. Saw pelicans, cormorants, seagulls circling the Belvedere side.

Dropped my half sabiki and started pedaling over. The herring didn't stay in one place though, and I was constantly following the birds around the bay. The harbor seals and sea lions were out in force as well, I could see up to a dozen at the surface at any given time, probably way more diving. One ripped off 2/3 of my sabiki with the rod in my hands, I don't think it even had a herring on it. I didn't dare to throw my cast net for fear of it landing atop one and getting ripped out of the kayak. I know they were often right beneath me because the seals would pop up for air a few feet from the kayak and spook themselves, defensively splashing me with water.

All the bits of seaweed and eelgrass I pulled up had eggs on them, so I don't know if I'm too late or if they'll still have more spawns (hopefully in shallower water away from the seals).

Overall, it was very impressive to see but not successful catching. I think the fish were balled up from the attacks from below / above and not very interested in biting. I only got 2 in three hours.

Still a newbie - let me know if there's any tricks I missed! I saw online some people were saying flashers would help get their attention / tempt them to bite? Will the seals/sea lions get out from under a cast net, or was I correct to hold off? Do I need a breakaway line instead of the normal wrist strap?


Planning on heading out in Richardson bay to scout for herring. I'll launch from Turney street next door to Salito's 7-8AM on Thursday or Friday. I'll drift northwest with the incoming tide around the channel and eelgrass beds, and head out to the deeper areas near the buoy around 11AM for slack tide and head in before the outgoing current picks up.

Let me know if you want to meet up, I'm off both days and so pretty flexible on the details.

Otherwise I'll update on my observations here and on Keith's website.


Hookups and Fishing Reports (Viewable by Public) / Re: HMB 11/23
« on: November 23, 2024, 07:03:38 PM »

Overall a pretty slow day. I ended up launching closer to 8. The harbor was full of sea lions and seals, gave me a few good scares popping up next to my boat.

I dropped my crab net in a few places adjacent to the inner rock wall and also out in the sandy area west of the marina. Only pulled up some dinks. Next time I think I would place towards the outer wall.

I trolled / drifted a sabiki with anchovy bits for a few hours and only hooked up on one fish. It was a juvenile coho, which I was not prepared for. Lesson learned, I'll always bring a net even even if I'm just using US size 3 / Japan size 12 hooks. I unhooked and released him as gently as I could and it took off. Hoping he still had the energy to evade the sea lions!

Hookups and Fishing Reports (Viewable by Public) / HMB 11/23
« on: November 22, 2024, 08:04:46 PM »

Heading out tomorrow, plan to launch around 7AM from HMB kayaks. Planning to stay inside the jaws and try my luck with rock crabs (and maybe a dungie or two) and bait fish as I get more comfortable out on the water.

I'll be on a red Hobie. Hope to see you out there!

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