Introductions / Hello From Chico
« on: February 05, 2014, 03:24:33 PM »
Hello all,
My name is Joe and I live in Chico, came up here for college 10 years ago and never left... Its awesome up here. Lately my recreation has been more focused on the coast though, I went AB diving with a few work buddies about 6 months ago and got hooked, I love it. Ever since then I've been accumulating my own gear and was able to get my hands on a Malibu 2XL kayak that I have mainly used for diving however I am starting to realize how awesome it is for just about any body of water. I love to fish (Trout & Bass Mainly) so this seems to be a great fit for me. This website looks great, lots of info and people who seem to be wired in the same way I am.
Thanks to the admins, and fellow members feel free to hit me up!
My name is Joe and I live in Chico, came up here for college 10 years ago and never left... Its awesome up here. Lately my recreation has been more focused on the coast though, I went AB diving with a few work buddies about 6 months ago and got hooked, I love it. Ever since then I've been accumulating my own gear and was able to get my hands on a Malibu 2XL kayak that I have mainly used for diving however I am starting to realize how awesome it is for just about any body of water. I love to fish (Trout & Bass Mainly) so this seems to be a great fit for me. This website looks great, lots of info and people who seem to be wired in the same way I am.
Thanks to the admins, and fellow members feel free to hit me up!